A Memoir of Leigh-on-Sea

by Arthur Joscelyne (2004) Paperback. 216x138 mm
224 pages
ISBN 1-874287-85-6

From 1909-1948, 200 yards of beach on the north shore of the River Thames were leased to the Joscelyne family, who ran it as a business. This extraordinary memoir sheds light on one of the most remarkable "secrets" of Essex history.

"The book is a little masterpiece." The Southend Evening Echo.
"An unusual and beguiling book." Classic Boat.

Publisher's Note: "I read the manuscript with a mounting sense that I was holding in my hands a minor treasure. In 1982, at the age of 79, Arthur Joscelyne penned and printed this memoir. It lay untouched in a trunk in the garden shed for 22 years until daughter Clare chanced upon it and 'wondered if anyone might be interested'. Arthur himself had died in 1993. His tale is part local history, part autobiography, and offers a vivid insight into Leigh-on-Sea and its characters before, during, and after the First World War."

"Joclyn's Beach", "Joslin's Beach", "Josling's Beach", "Josslin's Beach", "Joscelyn's Beach", "Joselyn's Beach", "Jocelyn's Beach". These alternative spellings are added to assist enquiries to find this site.